Lebanese Arabic
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Studying Lingo)
Hello guys, this lesson is for students and about everything related to studying . I hope you enjoy it.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (World Cup Lingo)
Hello guys! This lesson is for all of you Football fans out there. I will be talking with my friend Chantal about the World Cup and teaching Lebanese sentences that revolve around it.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Ordering Food)
As some of you had asked me to make a video explaining how to order food in Lebanon, this is a video dedicated exactly to doing that :)
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic ("I Want")
In this lesson I will teach you the verb "to want" and how to use it in sentences. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Body Parts)
Hi again everyone, this lesson will be about the names of body parts in Lebanese Arabic. I hope you will enjoy it and find it interesting. Have fun and don't forget to share it if you like it :)
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Directions)
Learn Arabic or, more specifically, Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Numbers)
Learn Arabic or, more specifically, Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from english to arabic (lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Hotels)
Learn practical Lebanese sentences to use in hotels. Video: .
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Interrogative Words)
Hi every one! In this lesson I will be talking about Interrogative words like why, what, who, how and so on... I am also announcing the start of the FREE promotion of the Kindle book Lebanese Arabic Phrasebook Vol. 1.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Valentine's Lingo)
Learn practical Lebanese sentences to use around Valentine's
How To: Speak Lebanese ("Seen," "Sheen," & Fruits)
Here's a new lesson, where I will teach you two new letters of the Arabic Alphabet: "Seen" and "Sheen", as well as the Lebanese names of some of the fruits available this season. I hope you'll enjoy it and don't forget to like it and share it with your friends! Cheers :)
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic (Airport Phrases)
Learn Lebanese sentences you might use at the airport.
How To: Speak Lebanese Arabic
Learn Arabic Lebanese through these easy lessons. A few practical sentences translated from English to Arabic (Lebanese) which you could use around Lebanese people.